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deliver the executive offsite of their dreams

Minimize turnover and build effective teams with a 3-day leadership offsite like no other

Mosaicli's highly interactive offsite experience, built for executives and their direct reports, fosters a collaborative environment where candid communication thrives and internal politics give way to shared vision and unshakable accountability.

"I was delightfully surprised. We showed up to align on mission, OKRs and our internal comms strategy, but the bonds we built made the biggest difference. We feel a lot closer and are having hard conversations we avoided before. I recommend Mosaicli to anyone looking for a meaningful offsite experience where real work gets done."


Director, Engineering Excellence

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wow 'em all with a creative blend of team building and strategy

At Intel, Meta and Virgin America I dreamed of a vendor who could deliver a dynamic executive offsite. One that was tactical, relational and rich with local experiences. Our Mosaicli's 3-day offsite achieves this, turning busy execs into an energized community of unified leaders.

Regina Lawless
Senior Facilitator & Executive Coach | Mosaicli

Mosaicli's approach

What will sustain progress made during your offsite?

1. Creativity

We infuse learning with art, metaphor and story to improve learning for all

2. Resilience

We teach wellbeing practices that reduce stress and improve decisions

3. community

We foster enduring bonds that transcend siloes and individualism

4. empowerment

Leaders learn team dynamics and facilitation skills while solving real problems

What will your leaders achieve?

Every great offsite answers three core questions

1. Mindset

How will you frame your offsite?

For example: "Every organization has its strengths, challenges and dysfunctions. Our job is to uncover what these are so we can flourish as effective leaders"

2. Purpose

Why are leaders gathering and why now?

For example: "We've seen and heard 'x'. The purpose of this offsite is to improve our leadership team's day to day effectiveness and build unbreakable trust so we can 'y.'

3. Outcome

What does a successful offsite result in?

For example: "The co-creation of our leadership playbook—a strategic plan of what we must do, both behaviorally and operationally, to be an effective leadership team"

What are the expected outcomes?

During our three-day offsite leaders will:

✔ Gain a thorough understanding of the expectations and challenges in building and maintaining a cohesive team

✔ Assess and make immediate progress in overcoming their team’s potential dysfunction

✔ Address the effectiveness of the team’s meetings and their contribution to the overall success of the group

✔ Review and validate the organization’s direction and ensure alignment exists among the team by addressing the six critical questions required for organizational clarity

✔ Discuss the critical importance of effective internal communications and identify any necessary changes to create alignment throughout the organization

✔ Identify a roadmap for the team to ensure a successful transformation to a healthy organization

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One Way The Offsite Magic Unfolds

Example agenda

day 1


travel day


creative dinner
best welcome

day 2

session 1

Creating a culture of wellbeing & support

session 2

Inspiring purpose through communication & story


Art metaphor
the mosaic

Building resilience by building community

12:30 Lunch

session primer
Executive Q&A

Creating clarity

Session 3

Aligning vision, strengthening integrity

5:30 Close


city exploration
team scavenger hunt & dinner

day 3

art metaphor

Building resilience through differences

session 4

Leading team dynamics & differences w/ confidence

session 5

Facilitating collaborative problem solving

12:30 Lunch

session 5 (cont)

Enabling feedback when power dynamics exist

Closing reflections

Highlighting areas of growth and opportunity

5:30 Close


Culture exchange
dinner with a community twist

day 4

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session 6

Maintaining momentum...

session 7
ongoing impact

Facilitating collaborative problem solving

12:30 Lunch


art metaphor
Flower power

Building resilience through celebration

Closing reflections

Highlighting areas of growth and opportunity

6:00 Close



Want More Detail?

explore more of what makes mosaicli offsites work like magic

Weave Intentionality Into Your Offsite From Start to Finish

How we begin


Day One: Arrivals

The welcome party

The first moments set the tone for the rest of the experience. Motivated to join the welcoming dinner of their 3-day offsite, leaders enter a space adorned with flowers, colorful embellishments and tasty bites. Before dinner, a magical moment facilitated by Mosaicli unfolds. Leaders engage in an hour of collaborative fun that spans visual art, movement and poetry making. Before dinner begins, leaders will have already deepened bonds, relaxed and set intention for the rest of their offsite journey.

Day 2

"This experience opened my eyes to a level of support that I didn't know was possible."

Core metaphorical art form

The Mosaic

During the first day of your offsite leaders will build their very own Mosaic, a collaborative art form that has unified leaders and teams from around the world. The Mosaic demonstrates the importance of diversity and highlights the value of everyone's contribution to the bigger picture.


Build trust: Create psychologically safe teams that enable risk taking and support

Humanize your workplace

We begin with an experiential and highly interactive session that shows how psychological safety can drive cohesion, wellbeing and innovation across your organization. Through creative risk taking and the application of core listening skills, leaders will learn begin to define what psychological safety means to them and come up with ways for how to better cultivate it across their teams. This session begins to uncover challenges facing leaders and helps them to see probems with "new eyes," instantly diminish the impacts of existing politics through peer coaching and support. By the end, leaders will be equipped with the mindset, focus and excitement required to tackle their shared offsite mission.

By the end of this session, leaders will:

  • Learn the connection between psychological safety and team effectiveness and how to cultivate more of it

  • Feel substantially higher level of trust and support, effectively humanizing one another and reducing the impact of existing politics

  • Apply active listening skills that are foundational to effective 1:1 coaching and group facilitation.

  • Learn how to apply five resilience practices to improve cohesion and wellbeing on their respective teams

  • Gain an understanding of the individual and shared challenges confronting effective leadership

Activities Include: 🖌 A powerful mindset practice that reduces doubt, enables risk-taking and empowers leaders to contribute their strengths 🖼 Application of a listening practice that enables closer relationships and effective coaching ✊🏽 Reflection on sharing of personal challenges that get in the way of being an effective leader 💫 Identification of areas leaders can personally foster resilience and wellbeing to improve their teams 🎨 An introduction on how to use creativity to improve mental health and wellbeing 🦁 An application of a visual arts practice that improves leadership presence and mindset ✈️ An open discussion about vulnerability, it's challenges and it's impact on team effectiveness

Going far, faster and together requires shared imagining—Imagining that's personally relevant and wildly energizing for all


inspire commitment

Instill purpose: Build cohesive, committed teams

This session has a core focus on shared imagining—inviting play, curiosity and the shared exploration of everyone's core challenges and biggest dreams. Leading into the afternoon activity and executive Q&A, this session enables leaders to identify and address the leadership and team dynamics that are holding the organization back while exploring, through visual art and peer coaching, what a shared vision of success looks and feels like.


By the end of this session, leaders will:

  • They will learn how clear vision, both personal and collective, enables integrity, improves collaboration and reduces siloes. Leaders will identify where shared vision may lack and apply strategies that foster an authentic connection with your organization's purpose and values—improving engagement and motivating their people to stay longer and act in service of bigger picture possibilities.

  • Through peer coaching and reflection, leaders will identify their personal core values, consider their bigger vision for life and work, and reflect on how clear vision can foster integrity and accountability across their teams. 

  • improves leadership communication, influence and facilitation

  • Understand the research linking "narrative leadership" to retention, engagement and team effectiveness.

  • Apply a "narrative leadership" framework that fosters authentic connection to your organizations purpose and values

  • Understand how to alleviate siloes, mitigate politics and increase decisions based on collective benefit. 

  • Identify where behavior and operational gaps exist within your organization and design narrative strategies to remedy them

  • Apply an inclusive leadership framework while facilitating a live, small group activity

  • Create a collective vision of how a values aligned culture "shows up."

Did you know?

Arts integrated engagement improves learning outcomes for all, helping to sustain the benefits of your offsite?

The Mosaic enables shared vision

Catalyze collaboration

A powerful, shared vision, can be a powerful tool enabling leaders to work through conflict and solve tougher problems together. The tiles leaders create throughout the morning activities are imbued with stories, dreams and experiences that connect leaders with your organizations purpose, vision and values. Throughout your offsite the Mosaic serves as an anchor for leaders. When we're "in the weeds" we're able practice maintaing perspective and orienting leaders to the bigger picture possibility. By the end of the first day leaders will add their tile to their Mosaic. At the end of the offsite leaders will walk away with a high resolution print of their collective work of art, their shared vision.

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Does your team have the pre-requisites for session three?

Take the quiz and find out. It will take less than two minutes.


Foster integrity: Create a culture of accountability 

create accountability

Through an executive Q&A* and unfiltered, productive conflict, leaders will gain greater organizational clarity and assure their priorities are aligned in service of the bigger vision.

They will discuss six critical questions required for organizational clarity, they will examine the mechanics of polarization siloes and they will assess the operational systems and processes that get in the way of leadership effectiveness.

By the end of this session, leaders will become substantially more cohesive by enhancing their ability to engage in unfiltered, productive conflict. This will improve trust, help the team make better, faster decisions and mitigate politics threatening effective team work.


* Note: The format of this session varies depending on your goals. While designing your program we'll determine if it would be beneficial to invite other stakeholders into the discussion. We'll also consider other participation formats like World Cafe, Unconference, Open Space Technology and Fishbowl.


Day 1 closing

modeling effective group feedback

To wrap up an action packed first day, Mosaicli models how to deliver an open group feedback session while enabling leaders to inform the next two days of their offsite experience. Open feedback is one of the most effective ways to fsoter empowered team dynamics and sets the tone for a feedback filled day two.


Evening activity

scavenger hunt

After a densely coordinated day one leaders might be seeking more autonomy. With a chance to win a big prize, leaders embark on a self-guided adventure bringing them through varying landmarks, hidden gems, and top culinary spots. Over a few hours, they will explore local gems, savor delicious food, and engage in fun, meaningful challenges. This refreshing break from the intense offsite agenda fosters team spirit and provides a memorable, enriching experience.


Day 3

Research shows that career growth and learning drives employee engagement and retention. Did you know that 72% of Gen Z, the youngest group in the workforce, say they'll resign if they don't receive ongoing feedback from their manager.*

Day two focuses on feedback, facilitation skills and results. Beginning with a deep dive into feedback, leaders will leave the day with a clearer understanding of team dynamics and will be able to apply facilitative methods to better empower and engage their teams.

By the end of the day leaders will have resolved challenges that inhibit their ability to work together and walk away with a clear sense of what they can do differently—both behaviorally and operationally—to be more effective.

*If you want your day two agenda to include a portion on Gen Z engagement or another area aligned with your goals let's talk.

What are the consequences of avoiding potential conflict?

Core metaphorical art form


Kintsugi is a Japanese art that repairs broken pottery with gold—making it stronger and more resilient than before.

It is a powerful metaphor leaders will learn to use to cultivate high trust team environments that thrive on open communication, feedback and the honoring of one another differences.

Employees are 3.6 times more likely to strongly agree that they are motivated to do outstanding work when their manager provides daily (vs. annual) feedback.¹ Companies implementing regular feedback sessions boost employee engagement and have 15% lower turnover rates than businesses that don't give consistent support.²


Elevate trust: Enable open communication that honors differences

actively enable differences

During the opening session your leaders will connect with the Kintsugi metaphor while exploring common barriers to feedback and associated consequences to engagement, retention and team effectiveness. During the session each leader will receive small ceramic vase, break it and then repair it. The metaphor will be reinforced through real team feedback with each other, generative dialogue and reflection.

The session ends with a deep dive into team dynamics and systems thinking. This goes beyond the basics of "forming, storming, norming and performing" and creates contextualizes the dual mission of the next session.


Outcome: Leaders will know how to apply three practices that overcome team's avoidance of difficult conversations and engaging their differences. They'll gain a deeper understanding of group dynamics and the underlying motivations that drive "challenging" communication styles and know how to be more effective as both a contributor and facilitator. They will cultivate a grounded leadership presence in the face of conflict and know how to help their teams work through challenging moments. They will understand where, personally and professionally, repair is needed and make a plan to take action. And, they'll learn how to apply advanced conflict resolution techniques that foster innovation across their teams through increased trust, communication and emotional capacity.

Research shows that the more leaders demonstrate care, the better their teams perform. Autonomy and direction functions differently. If there's too much or too little, cohesion suffers. Enabled by skillful facilitation, effective leaders strategically increase autonomy—the foundation of empowered, agile teams.

Outcome: How to run effective meetings. The three reasons meetings go poorly and how to avoid them. Designing a great meeting. Facilitation techniques. Running an effective group feedback meeting. Understanding of power and expression.

Additionally, the team will resolve structural challenges that inhibit their ability to work together and walk away with a clear sense of what they can do differently—both behaviorally and operationally—to help their team succeed.



Exercise leadership: Empower your teams

During this segment, leaders will put into practice group facilitation skills while empowering their peers to come up with solutions, systems and practices that address shortfalls in team effectiveness. We'll discuss the central role meetings play in a team’s cohesion and invite leaders to practice facilitating a group feedback session: one of the most effective activities for creating a communicative team environment where differences of opinion and innovative solutions thrive.

Day 4

Solutions generated during the day will result in your leadership team's very own Playbook, a one year roadmap to team effectiveness that includes specific activities and milestones to help maintain the momentum gained during the offsite.

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When team members feel their work goes unacknowledged, they are twice as likely to seek new job opportunities.

Core metaphorical art form

Dried flower ceremony

From ancient Egypt's symbolic bouquets to Japan's ikebana, flower arrangement spans cultural traditions and ceremonies. As an offering or meaningful gift, dried flower arrangements have the added benefit of preserving their scent and form for years.

Session: The gift of gratitude

plan for success

As we finish the offsite, we will talk through how to drive organizational health beyond these initial two days. Teams will debate appropriate next steps for their unique circumstances and determine the best way to move forward. Consultants will share a roadmap to organizational health that includes specific activities and milestones to help maintain the momentum gained during this session.

Outcome: The team will walk away with a clear sense of their next steps in transforming the organization’s health, while the leader will understand his/her role in championing that overall effort.

When team members feel their work goes unacknowledged, they are twice as likely to seek new job opportunities.

Session: The gift of gratitude

Amplify recognition

Leadership skills that... feedback. conflict. stronger bonds. innovation. Sharing stories of repair. Or where didn't repair. How about one that coul have but you didn't and regret. Losses? Defining DEIB. What difference is all about. Illusions we hold... the unbroken pot. Fear of breaking. We disengage from differences. Engaging differences, liberating expression, this is the key to creating a continuous feedback loop. Open communication. Communication styles. Strengths. 

Outcome: Leaders will know how to overcome five common reasons why people avoid difficult conversations. They will understand where, personally and professionally, repair is needed and make a plan to take action. And, they'll learn how to apply advanced conflict resolution techniques that lead foster innovation across their teams through increased trust, communication and emotional capacity.

Attitude of gratitude. 

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